In 2018, PolicyLink launched the national Water Equity and Climate Resilience (WECR) Caucus to build a national network of organizations working to address water equity and climate resilience — centering frontline communities of color and low-income communities. Taproot Earth, formerly Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy, joined the Caucus as co-chair the following year to advance a shared strategy led by the most impacted communities. Today, the Caucus continues to be anchored by PolicyLink and is governed by a steering committee of frontline organizations. Together, over 50 core members, allies, and supporting organizations make up the WECR Caucus. 

We have three categories of members. Core Members are frontline communities and equity or justice focused organizations. Allies are organizations embarking on equity journeys and/or supporting equity work. Supporters are research-based organizations and others contributing to the movement for water, equity, and climate justice.

Membership is free and organization-based. Member interest is reviewed and approved on a quarterly basis by our Steering Committee. Fill out this interest form to join!