We built most of America’s water infrastructure more than 50 years ago with federal dollars. Since then, wear and tear combined with growing communities and extreme weather are stressing water infrastructure. Meanwhile, less water funding is coming from the federal government, shifting the costs to ratepayers and leaving needed infrastructure repairs unfunded. From big cities to small rural communities, we’re struggling to balance upkeep and upgrade costs with affordability.
Take Martin County, Kentucky as an example. Like many other rural communities in the U.S., Martin County has a small population and high percent of low-income households, making it impossible to fix the outdated system solely through increased water rates. A report by the Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center and Martin County Concerned Citizens found that water is unaffordable for nearly half of Martin County households, based on the EPA’s water affordability standard, leading to financial stress and water shutoffs for many residents. In 2019, Martin County households faced a 41.5% increase in water service costs in just one year.

The situation in Martin County is not unique and highlights the economic and human toll of unaffordable water. All across the US., the growing water affordability crisis cannot be addressed by utilities or states or federal intervention alone. Solutions to water affordability require a comprehensive approach from every level, including federal investment in water infrastructure (for example, through state revolving funds), prioritizing federal funds for rural, low-income, and historically underserved communities, and establishing a national water assistance program to ensure that no family loses or lacks access to water due to inability to pay.

On April 8, 2025, during Water Week 2025, the Water Equity & Climate Resilience Caucus delegation will travel to Washington, D.C. to advocate for affordable water for everyone, everywhere, including the people of Martin County, Kentucky. The Caucus will also be releasing a new short documentary on the challenges of water infrastructure, contamination, and affordability in Martin County in partnership with the Appalachian Citizens' Law Center, Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network (LiKEN), and Martin County Concerned Citizens.
Come back to watch the full documentary in April!